
Free Counters

Thursday 26 July 2012

Room Five Assembly

Our Week Two Assembly Presentation was an Olympic Games Celebration!

We started with an amazing 
opening ceremony.

Room Five have been researching a variety of Olympic sports so we shared what we have been learning about our events.

These included swimming, hockey, shooting, archery, gymnastics and equestrian events.


Congratulations to our certificate recipients they were: Jemma, Ashanti and William (absent) for 
excellent improvement in story writing.
Evan was the first Room Five student to receive the Netherby PRIDE certificate for Perseverance.

Welcome To Term Three

We would like to welcome Maafala, Ashlin, Ethan, Wharepapa and their families to Room Five.

You have all made a marvelous start to the term in your new classroom and have settled in really well.